Please note: typically with our grocery deliveries, we will give our drivers a 3 hour time frame. For example, your groceries are ready to pick up at 11am, therefore you can expect an arrival of your order between 11am-2pm. This way we can dispatch our driver’s multiple locations efficiently and ensure your groceries will stay fresh/cold until they are picked up & delivered. Both Walmart and Reasor’s will keep groceries in the coolers until we arrive.
Google Maps is used for determining the best route and to verify the distance. If there is a discrepancy with mileage and your payment is short or over, a dispatcher will contact you with the details and the remaining balance will be paid at the time of delivery or a credit will be given.
If you believe your order may be a significantly large order, or there are multiple heavy items such as cases of drinks, please also see the item “Large Delivery“.
Note: To keep costs to our customers at a minimum, we will typically choose the shortest route for mileage. However, there may be instances where a highway or different path will be necessary, and we reserve the right to choose which route is best for both our customers and drivers.
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