Standard Delivery

Standard Delivery price is based on the following:  A Pickup from one location & Drop Off to one location which are within 7 miles of each other. If additional miles are needed, please add Additional Miles Item to your order.

Google Maps is used for determining the best route and to verify the distance. If there is a discrepancy with mileage and your payment is short or over, a dispatcher will contact you with the details and the remaining balance will be paid at the time of delivery or a credit will be given.

Note: To keep costs to our customers at a minimum, we will typically choose the shortest route for mileage. However, there may be instances where a highway or different path will be necessary, and we reserve the right to choose which route is best for both our customers and drivers.

What Do We Deliver?  Almost Anything!

  • Groceries

  • Prescriptions

  • Documents

  • Birthday Gifts

  • Restaurant Meals

  • & More!


First time ordering groceries online?


 CLICK HERE  for $10 off your first order at

Walmart Online Grocery!

($50 minimum purchase)


CLICK HERE  for $10 off your first order at

Reasor’s Online Grocery!

($75 minimum purchase)

Once your order is complete, let us know when it will be ready for pickup and we will deliver your groceries to you.   In regard to grocery deliveries, due to multiple pickup locations, we utilize a 3 hour time frame.  This helps to ensure the most efficient route for our drivers and in turn will allow us to deliver your items as fresh as possible.  Both Walmart and Reasor’s will keep all items at the appropriate temperatures until they are picked up.   For example, if your order is ready for pickup at 11am, then you can expect delivery between 11am-2pm.   Please call directly if you need a more specific time frame.


All NEW CUSTOMERS please contact us directly before placing your order. call/text 918-906-0063 Dismiss